Pilot Software Program

In an effort to bring new and exciting instructional software to the College of Engineering, CAEN will be offering faculty the opportunity to pilot a variety of such titles. There will be several opportunities for faculty to try out new instructional software in order to facilitate numerous teaching tasks.

During the pilot software program, CAEN will support and maintain each software title for the duration of the pilot timeframe. The software titles currently being piloted are listed below.

Additional funding opportunities can be found on our E3 Grants page.

Pilot Software List

The following instructional software titles are available for the Winter 2024 term. This page will be updated when the current pilot term ends.   

Prairie Learn

  • Mastery Learning and Assessment
  • Immediate feedback for students
  • Randomized question variants until students achieve mastery
  • Incentivized to repeat questions until mastery is achieved
  • Score adaptively based on student mastery and question difficulty
  • Automate the submission and grading process
  • Analyze assessment quality and student outcomes
  • Join the pilot by contacting [email protected]