My Learning Analytics


My Learning Analytics (MyLA) is a dashboard that provides students with information about their engagement with course materials, resources, assignments and grades in a Canvas course. Instructors decide which visualizations to use with a Canvas course so students may see different visualizations for different courses. The following visualizations are available: 

  • Resources Accessed
    • Students can see which files, videos and other resources are accessed most often by classmates. 
  • Assignment Planning
    • Students can view their progress and upcoming assignments with a Grade Progress bar and an Assignments Due by Date list. 
  • Grade Distribution
    • This visualization provides a bar chart that shows the distribution of grades in the class along with the number of students in the class and the average and median grades. 


Add MyLA to your Canvas course site by clicking into the desired course, opening the Settings menu, and clicking on Navigation. Refer to Enabling External Apps for more information.

More Information

Go to the My Learning Analytics Information for Faculty web page for more details on how to use MyLA in your course.

For additional information about instructional tools, contact [email protected]