Several web-based applications exist to help faculty, staff, and students in Michigan Engineering departments gain deeper insight into University data, and use it in ways that improve day-to-day productivity.
Departmental administrators who wish to use an application, obtain additional information about an application, or suggest improvements for an application should send an email to [email protected]. The app support team spans multiple Michigan Engineering departments and provides web development, system administration, and application support services. The team includes members from CAEN, CLaSP, EECS, IOE, and Mechanical Engineering.
Title | Description |
Course Info Center (CIC) | Allows visualization of Michigan Engineering courses over time, including enrollment, waitlisting, instructors, and Q1-4 scores. |
Faculty Activity Reports (FAR) | Enables Michigan Engineering departments to conduct annual FAR processes in a fully online system. For a given calendar year, faculty members report their contributions in the areas of teaching, research, service, innovation, and other scholarly pursuits. In some cases, data are pulled from campus data sets, and in other cases, faculty members are expected to provide additional information. Departments may add custom questions. |
Faculty Honors and Awards (HAA) | Enables departments to nominate faculty for College Honors and Awards and fill out data sheets required for submission packets. Additionally enables departments to track and report on any awards their faculty members have won or for which they have been nominated, regardless of awarding entity. |
GSI Admin | Manages Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) relationships. After someone applies to be a GSI or Instructional Aide (IA) for a course, administrators assign people to specific courses and send out offer letters. Additionally, students can be flagged if they need to be a GSI for funding reasons. |
Grad Admissions (UGrab) | Processes and validates graduate student admission applications and to manage faculty evaluations for applicants. The application also enables departmental chairs to make decisions, generate offer letters, and more. This system feeds into the Grad SIC application. |
Grad Funding | Pulls in data from the Human Resources (HR), financial aid, and financials data sets and breaks everything down into funding by term. It includes GSRAs, GSIs and Fellowships, as well as which shortcode funds an appointment. It is connected to Grad SIC. |
Graduate Student Info Center (Grad SIC) | Handles degree audit, annual progress reports for PhD students, tracking milestones, advising notes, and student funding. This system is used mostly by administrators, but annual progress is completed by students. |
Online Purchasing System (OPS) | Enables faculty, staff, and students to place purchasing/procurement requests, manage approval workflow, and track purchase status and package delivery. |
PhD Progress Update | Enables administrators to generate PhD progress reports. (Connected to Grad SIC) |
Professional Development Activity Tracker (PDAT) | The Professional Development Activity Tracking (PDAT) application enables departments to track the professional development activities of their staff, and empowers staff within a department to create activities they maintain and track their attendance. The data stored in this system is used to inform other systems, such as Faculty Activity Reports (FAR) and staff performance reviews. |
Travel and Expenses System (T/E) | Allows staff to collect and route information to shared services regarding travel/concur. |
Visiting Scholar Registry | System for tracking the steps to onboard new personnel, in particular visiting scholars and other long-term visitors. Supports workflow including College and unit-level approvals, ensuring visa paperwork and background checks, etc. |