Michigan Engineering Research Computing Funding

Michigan Engineering is committed to supporting research computing by cost-sharing a portion of the use of the Great Lakes and Armis2 high-performance computing clusters for externally-sponsored research conducted by Michigan Engineering researchers.

To maximize the value of the cost-sharing, the funds need to be applied in the following order:

  1. UMRCP – 80,000 CPU hours on Great Lakes or Armis2
  2. CoE 80% Cost Share – 80% funding by CoE up to $10,000 CoE cost
  3. CoE 44% Cost Share – no cap cost share

Read below for details on the funding available through each program.


The university provides an annual entitlement of research computing and storage to faculty.  This program is known as the U-M Research Computing Package, or UMRCP, and is administered by the ARC group within ITS.

The UMRCP includes 80,000 CPU hours of high-performance computing on the Great Lakes or Armis2 clusters; 10 TB of replicated, high-performance storage; and 100 TB of archive storage for research.  It also includes compute and storage allocations for courses.

Resource accounts on the Great Lakes and Armis2 clusters are named with the uniquename of the faculty member followed by a number.  UMRCP accounts end with a zero.  For example: <person0> 

Faculty who request cost sharing from Michigan Engineering for their research computing activities on the Great Lakes or Armis2 clusters should be actively using their available UMRCP compute resources.

2. CoE 80% Cost Share

Michigan Engineering faculty who have expended 80% or more of their annual UMRCP compute hours are eligible for a College cost-share of 80% of their use of the Great Lakes or Armis2 cluster, up to a maximum of $10,000 per year per faculty member.  ($2,500 faculty contribution and $10,000 College cost share, for a total of $12,500.)

The 80% cost share applies to the use of the Great Lakes cluster or the Armis2 cluster for externally-sponsored research conducted using Michigan Engineering shortcodes.  To be eligible for this cost share, the shortcode being used must have a Fund Code designation of Sponsored Federal Fund (20000), Sponsored Non-Federal Fund (25000), or Gift Fund (30000).

College cost-share funding for 80% of cost-share accounts does not roll over across fiscal year boundaries.  Faculty are encouraged to make full use of the available 80% cost share funding each year.

Resource accounts on the Great Lakes and Armis2 clusters are named with the uniqname of the faculty member followed by a number.  CoE 80% cost share accounts end with 98.  For example: <person98> 

Each Michigan Engineering faculty member is limited to a single 98 account.

To apply for a 98 account with an 80% cost share from Michigan Engineering, send an email to [email protected] from your University of Michigan email.  The email subject should be CoE 80% Cost Share Account Request.  The email body should include the information listed in the “Requesting a Slurm Account” section of this web page.  It also should indicate if the request is for the Great Lakes cluster or the Armis2 cluster.

3. CoE 44% Cost Share

Michigan Engineering will cost share 44% of the use of the Great Lakes and Armis2 clusters for externally-sponsored research by faculty using Michigan Engineering shortcodes with fund codes of 20000, 25000, or 30000.

Resource accounts on the Great Lakes and Armis2 clusters are named with the uniqname of the faculty member followed by a number.  Michigan Engineering faculty may have multiple Great Lakes and/or Armis2 resource accounts for different research projects which end in different numbers.  Ex: <person1>, <person2>, etc.

The 44% cost share is not limited to a single account and is not limited to a fixed dollar amount like the 80% cost share.

To apply for a paid Great Lakes or Armis2 resource account with a 44% cost share from the College, send an email to [email protected] from your University of Michigan email.  The email subject should be CoE 44% Cost Share Account Request.  The email body should include the information listed in the “Requesting a Slurm Account” section of this web page.  It also should indicate if the request is for the Great Lakes cluster or the Armis2 cluster.

Further Help

Please direct questions about Michigan Engineering’s cost sharing for research computing to: [email protected]