Team Development Tools

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Tandem is a web application, built at the University of Michigan by the Center for Academic Innovation, that helps students and instructors with teamwork. With Tandem, instructional teams stay connected to student teams and help them as problems emerge, not after they have escalated. Tandem offers instructors rich data about how teams are working, and students get support through various reports in Tandem tailored to their specific needs.


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CATME (Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness), developed by Purdue University, is a system of secure, web-based tools that enable instructors to implement best practices in managing student teams. The CATME SMARTER Teamwork (System for Management, Assessment, Research, Training, Education, and Remediation) enhances team learning by teaching students how to contribute effectively to teamwork and creating accountability for team-member contributions. The system facilitates communication among teammates and between students and their instructor. This helps student teams have the best chance of being successful so that students and instructors have positive and meaningful team learning experiences.